Salamanca Realty

Business Property Sales

Why buy a business in Hobart?

Why not!! - when you can reach over 220,000 local people in the Hobart and Greater Hobart region, and with over 47% of Tasmania's total employment within Greater Hobart, this means that nearly half of the working population is in the city on any given day. Add to this over 900,000 visitors come to Hobart every year. This adds up to a lot of potential customers!

Hobart offers one of the best lifestyles and clean environments in Australia and the world, making living, working and owning a business in this beautiful city a must! It is the economic engine and 'Gateway' of the State, attracting many people into the City, who work in both the public and private sectors. As the most important regional centre, is attracts a high proportion of employment and can offer a highly qualified employee base to assist the new business owner.

$50,000 plus Stock at Valuation

Why buy a business through Salamanca Realty?

We offer Specialist Broking services perhaps unrivalled in Hobart.

Every business we list, has been vigorously checked out before it is offered to the market, as our reputation and integrity is important and paramount to us. Our Salamanca Realty's Specialist Business Broker has over 30 years' experience and is a fully qualified REIT Practitioner, meeting all industry professional and ethical standards.

Our promise to you, is that we will work with and guide you every step of the 'due diligence' process, to achieve the best and fairest result for all parties. Our Specialist Brokerage Service is backed by the Salamanca Realty Support team, all keen to offer you friendly, professional advice and 'follow-up' in all respects of your enquiry with us.